My favorite Health and Productivity Biohacks of 2020
Good Morning Everyone, It’s Nicholas Dettinger back on Awakendgainz here to help guide you on the best biohacks I found for 2020. Most of these you have probably never heard before, which if you haven’t. Stick around on the channel, because more videos will be coming out shortly on these limit breaking topics!. I wanted the biohacks to be the most bang for the buck items I got throughout the year that gave the largest % impact on the life. They range from light therapy all the way to a weird way of learning a second language!
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1 dollar – Come Research Livestream + End of Video Shout Out
6 dollar – Private Research Knowledge Vault + Podcast Guest Question Asking
My Favorite Biohacks of 2020 ( Amazon Affiliate Links ) I may receive a kickback by using these links
The muse headband –
True Dark Glasses –
Air Pods Pro –
Red Light Therapy –
Vibration Machine –
Water Filtering Aqua True –
Learning to read a second language –
Sit to Stand Desks –
Video Timestamps
intro 00:00
My favourite – the muse headband 0:44
True Dark Biohacking glasses 01:55
Airpods Pro a Biohack? 04:07
Red light therapy every day! 04:56
Vibration Therapy 07:10
Is a water filter worth it? 08:14
Learn a second language faster! 10:17
Remote Work Ergonomics hacking 11:48
Closing Remarks 13:03
Common Questions and Answers
Why is Muse my favourite Biohack? Well, the long-term effects and short-term effects are daily for me. It helped with my emotional intelligence, my capacity to break my limits and improved how deeply I can meditate in and out of meditation. It even enhanced my stress response physically and mentally.
Why are AirPods a biohack ? Well, the sound sucks, and I don’t like being distracted by foreign sounds when i’m working. These headphones are basically better than putting an ear muff on my head when i’m working on a project!
Why is red light therapy so low? Well, its because the other two ones are just that good! But in all seriousness, red light therapy has been a game-changer for me in every way. Without it I don’t know if I could have gotten through the year we have all been through and still accomplish so much or even been in the same mind frame as I am now.
All the Languages this video is available in
French – Mes biohacks santé et productivité préférés de 2020
Japanese – 2020年の私のお気に入りの健康と生産性のバイオハック
Norwegian – Min favoritt helse- og produktivitetsbiohack fra 2020
Spanish – Mis biohacks favoritos de salud y productividad de 2020
Itaian – I miei biohack preferiti per la salute e la produttività del 2020
Dutch – Mijn favoriete biohacks voor gezondheid en productiviteit van 2020
Filipino – Ang aking paboritong Biohacks sa Kalusugan at Pagiging Produktibo ng 2020
German – Meine Lieblings-Biohacks für Gesundheit und Produktivität von 2020
Sweedish – Min favorithälso- och produktivitetshack från 2020
Hindi – मेरे पसंदीदा स्वास्थ्य और उत्पादकता 2020 के Biohacks
Irish – Na Biohacks Sláinte agus Táirgiúlachta is fearr liom de 2020
Chinese – 我最喜欢的2020年健康与生产力生物黑客
————— ( My production PC ) thanks for reading this far! ———
My Video Editing Laptop
Lenovo Legion y740 –
My 4k Camera –
Thanks to pixels or pixabay for any commercial use images or videos in this production
Music in the video intro
intro – Full Power by ZAYFALL
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
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