7 Easy Biohacks to Become Superhuman Every Day

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What is Biohacking?
Sounds crazy, but it’s basically a term used to define ways of taking control of and optimizing your biology.

It’s about improving your health, performance, and well-being across all domains – self-upgrading.

Biohacks are activities and strategies you can use to make yourself into a high performing individual.

The most important premise of biohacking is that how you treat your biology influences every aspect of your being and performance. What you eat, the activities you do, how you exercise and the overall mindset you have can all be optimized, which will improve the quality of your life that much more.

Here are the 7 easy biohacks to become superhuman every day.

Get your FREE Body Mind Empowerment Handbook: http://www.siimland.com/body-mind-empowerment-handbook/

Intermittent Fasting and Keto Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXsRDjIfvds&list=PLMaXsmhvb0r3B34VResUU1xO4LMaWsSoK

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I do not own any of the video clips used in this video. The legal rights belong to the legal copyright holders of said content. I have used them under the ‘fair use’ policy and have done so for entertainment and educational purposes only.

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