An Interview With "The Smartest Physician On The Planet": Crazy Biohacking Stacks For Cognitive Fun
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Dr. Ted Achacoso attained a college degree in biology at the age of 18 and a doctor of medicine at the age of 22. He is the founding pioneer of the clinical practice of Health Optimization Medicine and Practice (HOMe/HOPe), which is the detection and correction of imbalances at the level of the metabolome. He was mentored by Thierry Hertoghe, the founding pioneer of Anti-Aging Medicine and Nutritional Medicine (Dr. Ted is double board-certified, Paris). He was mentored by William S. Yamamoto, the founding pioneer of Medical Informatics and an Artificial Intelligence researcher (Washington, DC). He was also mentored by D. Wayne Silby, the founding pioneer of Socially Responsible Investing and Finance (Washington, DC) and by three Philippine pioneers in Interventional Neuroradiology, in Neurology, and in Pharmacology/Toxicology. His representative body of work includes a book containing the first ever neural circuitry database (“connectome”) for an organism, journal articles, US patents, software, grants, and recorded interviews, webcasts, podcasts, and speaking engagements in the areas of: (1) artificial ethology, computational neuroethology, biomathematical modeling of nervous systems, and computability of consciousness, (2) medical informatics, medical decision-making, connectionist systems, and expert systems, (3) computer-assisted imaging, edge detection algorithms, and telehealth, (4) virtual group dynamics, communication, and collaboration methods (He created the first wireless groupware), (5) parallel, cluster, cloud, and distributed emergent computing, (6) predictive complex adaptive system modeling of financial time series, and (7) health optimization medicine including metabolomics, epigenetics, bioenergetics, gut microbiota, exposomics, chronobiology, and evolutionary medicine. He is based in Washington, DC, maintains a tricontinental HOMe practice (North America, Europe, Asia), and performs HOMe/HOPe lecturing and mentoring to doctors and practitioners. Dr. Ted provides international corporate consulting activities involving nutritional supplement formulation and the establishment of metabolomics, mitochondria, and microbiota laboratories. He strongly suspects that this world is an illusion projected as a hologram by the human biocrystal, and pushes to create deliberately sustainable, happy dreams instead of nightmares. Dr. Achacoso has trained, researched, and worked in many different fields: 1) Interventional neuroradiology and pharmacology in Manila; 2) Medical informatics and artificial intelligence in Washington, DC; 3) Scientific advisor to local venture and global institutional investment funds in Bethesda, MD; 4) As Founder and Chief Technology Officer of a group communication and collaboration software company in Rosslyn, VA (He created the first wireless mobile groupware); 5) As a quant trader for an incubator hedge fund in Rehoboth Beach, DE; 6) In Anti-Aging Medicine and Nutritional Medicine in Paris, Brussels, Monte Carlo. His representative body of work includes a book containing the first-ever neural circuitry database (or the first-ever “connectome”) for an organism (C. elegans), journal articles, US patents, software, grants, and recorded interviews, webcasts, and speaking engagements in the areas of: 1) Artificial ethology, computational neuroethology, biomathematical modeling of nervous systems, and computability of consciousness; 2) Medical informatics, medical decision-making, connectionist systems, and expert systems; 3) Computer assisted imaging, edge detection algorithms, and tele-health; 4) Virtual group dynamics, communication and collaboration methods including the first wireless groupware systems; 5) Parallel, cluster, cloud, and distributed emergent computing; 6) Predictive complex adaptive system modeling of financial time series. **Here are a few of my upcoming public appearances: Paleo FX: Austin, TX – 24-28 April Community Talk on Stem Cell Procedure: Charleston, SC – 29 May Swiss Retreat and Liver Detox: 23 June – 7 July Click here to see more details about these and other upcoming events! During our discussion, you’ll discover: -The homemade nootropic Dr. Ted took before the interview with Ben…8:30 Blue Cannatine Smart Troche Study on the effects of methylene blue on short term memory Trokie: a lozenge inserted between the gums and teeth (limit exposure to saliva) Venture capitalist hated it, but then wanted to invest in it because of its efficacy 1 mg nicotine, 5 mg CBD -Whether or not Dr. Ted is really the smartest physician alive…11:35 He’s pretty darn close (1 in a billion) -What is Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe) and Health Optimization Practice (HOPe)…12:45 HOMe is intended for physicians; HOPe is intended for practitioners The goal is for there to be more practitioners than physicians Dr. Ted was an interventional neuroradiologist (spoke brains for a living) Retrained