To work with myself and my team, check out my case study here: http://billyfitness.com/case-study
Hey! If you’re new to the channel… my name is Billy Harris.
I help 6/7/8 figure entrepreneurs scale by optimizing their body, mind, time, and focus. I do all of this through The Peak Performance Program, my consulting service.
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/billyharriss/
A quick summary:
As entrepreneurs and business owners, our objective when it comes to biohacking and performance optimization is simple. We want to feel good, be focused, have energy, have clarity of thought, and be consistent with the above. This is the reason why entrepreneurs in the digital world dive into biohacking and performance optimization, you guys are not just doing it for the sake of it and as a hobby.
Dopamine detox, no caffeine, 18 hour daily fasts, no foods outside my diet list, 3 minute cold showers, meditation, daily workouts, optimized sleep performance, EMDR psychotherapy sessions, phone use under 2 hours per day, refraining from sharing business wins with those closest to me…
These are the 20% / successful habits that ensure total focus.
Where these individuals go wrong with this is clear. You guys are doing too much and need to do less!
My objective with this process and the work I do with my clients is to ensure I/they reach a performance state of 90% daily and hold it there in order to separate myself from the rest of the field. This is not ‘Biohacking’. This is performance optimization and is what’s required to ensure I separate myself from the rest of the field and scale. If you are an entrepreneur and want to be successful, performance optimization is your biggest hack. Routines, discipline, systems for performance are what will take you to the 7/8 figure level.
In order to reach the point of 90% with your performance and in order to maintain that optimal performance level day in day out, you must remove variables and reduce health down to baselines.
These baselines are broken down into Body, Mind, Time, and Focus.
Remove variables, reduce your performance to these baselines, and separate yourself from the rest of the field.