Biohacking – the next step in human evolution or a dead end? | Jowan Österlund | TEDxBratislava

In his controversial talk, Jowan provides us with his vision how seamless interection between body and technology should work in the future. He believes, that by implanting microchips inside body, people can save a lot of time, money and will never loose purse or cards again. He does not want only to teach his body to speak machine, he wants his body to speak to him.
Vo svojom kontroverznom rozprávaní nám Jowan ukáže jeho víziu, ako by mala bezproblémová interakcia medzi ľudským telom a technológiami fungovať. Verí, že implementovaním mikročipov do tela ľudia ušetria čas, peniaze a už nikdy nestratia peňaženku alebo kreditné karty. Nechce len jeho telo naučiť hovoriť jazykom strojov, chce naučiť svoje telo hovoriť k nemu. Jowan is CEO at Biohax International, Swedish company that focuses on biohacking, bodyupgrading and implant development. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
